Ohio's 100 MPH Club | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
August 29, 2016

Everyone’s seen a speeding driver fly by on the interstate. Usually, you can catch a glimpse of their taillights as they zoom by; however, when a driver is speeding so fast that his or her vehicle is hardly visible, you may have observed a member of Ohio’s most infamous speeding cohort – the 100 MPH Club.

Drivers operating motor vehicles at speeds at or above 100 miles per hour put themselves and other passengers in serious danger. At Kisling, Nestico & Redick, our Ohio personal injury attorneys have helped numerous families recover compensation for the pain and suffering they’ve incurred as a result of a speeding-related motor vehicle crash. Our experienced Ohio personal injury attorneys know that speeding is risky driving behavior, which is why we’re troubled to learn that membership in Ohio’s 100 MPH Club is on the rise.

100 MPH+ Speeding On The Rise

According to a recent report from The Plain Dealer newspaper, cases of drivers operating their motor vehicles at speeds above 100 mph have increased by over 20 percent in the 2011-2014 period, jumping from 942 cases in 2011 to 1,160 cases in 2014.

Highway safety advocates argue that the increase in super-speeding is a direct result of higher posted speed limits on the Ohio Turnpike, which increased from 65 mph to 70 mph in 2013. The Plain Dealer’s analysis supports this conclusion. While state troopers issued just over 500,000 speeding tickets in 2011, they wrote nearly 600,000 in 2013.

Penalties For Speeding Not Harsh Enough

According to the Ohio Department of Public Safety, which compiles Ohio accident statistics in its annual publication Ohio Traffic Crash Facts, unsafe speed and exceeded speeds have played a part in 10-15 percent of all automobile fatalities in Ohio in recent years. With approximately 1,000 fatalities occurring annually on Ohio roads, that means 100-150 people are killed each year as a result of speeding.

Traffic safety advocates have called on Ohio lawmakers to introduce harsher penalties for those engaged in driving at extreme speeds. At present, those caught driving at speeds excessive enough to grant them membership in the 100 MPH Club are charged with only a minor misdemeanor and minimal fines. Advocates say penalties need to be harsher if speeding is to stop.

How the Skilled Ohio Personal Injury Attorneys at Kisling, Nestico & Redick Can Help You

At Kisling, Nestico & Redick, we’ve seen far too many families affected by car and truck accidents in which speeding played a part. We’re familiar with the pain and damage that a speeding-related accident can cause, which is why we’re alarmed to learn of Ohio’s speeding statistics.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident of any kind, including speeding accidents, know that you may be able to obtain compensation for your damages and pain. Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW to speak with one of our experienced Ohio personal injury attorneys through a free, initial consultation today.