Are Deadly Car Accidents on the Rise in Ohio? | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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KNR Legal
Date posted
September 7, 2021

After a brief decline during the Covid shutdown, deadly car accidents are on the rise in Ohio. According to Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety, some drivers used emptier roadways as racetracks. At the same time, drug and alcohol abuse increased during the pandemic, according to the American Medical Association. A massive increase in social media use during the pandemic shows no sign of slowing down.

The combination of speeding or other forms of reckless driving, drug or alcohol use, and distraction has created an uptick in fatal car accidents.

Post Pandemic Car Accidents Are on the Rise

By the spring of 2020, more people had returned to the roadways. There were 1,146 fatal car crashes in 2020, nearly 100 more than by the end of 2019. Kara Hutchins, a senior advisor for the American Automobile Association, said that speeding is one of the most common causes of traffic fatalities.

Street racing has continued into the post-pandemic era, along with increased DUIs and distracted driving accidents.

Summer 2021 Car Accidents and Fatalities

Over the Fourth of July weekend this year, Ohio State Patrol reported 16 people were killed across the state. Operating a Vehicle Impaired was a factor in at least five of these deadly car accidents. As of September 2021, Ohio had 87 more traffic fatalities than in the entire year of 2020.

Between May 12 and July 31, 2020, the number of crashes and severe or fatal traffic injuries rebounded to 2019 levels, according to U.S. News. Additional studies suggest the rebound may also be due to increased alcohol and marijuana use, distracted driving, mobile phone use, and aggressive driving.

Operating a Vehicle Impaired, OVI, in Ohio

There are several acronyms that are used for driving impaired. DUI, DWI, OMVI, and OVI. They all mean the same thing. You were operating a vehicle while impaired.

According to the Ohio State Patrol, Hamilton County had 239 OVI cases in 2020. As of September 2021, Hamilton County has 269 OVIs, and sadly, the trend continues.

What To Do if You’re Hurt in a Car Accident

If you’re hurt and have medical bills after a car accident in Ohio, you could recover compensation from the liable party. Insurance companies can make it difficult for injured people to collect a settlement, even with a valid claim.

If you lost a loved one in a fatal car accident, you could be entitled to benefits to ease your emotional and financial pain.

Contact an Ohio Car Accident Lawyer Today

You have rights after a car accident caused by someone’s reckless behavior. A car accident lawyer in Ohio can help you navigate the insurance and legal process.

Call Kisling, Nestico & Redick today for a free consultation. We’ve helped many injured Ohioans recover compensation and justice from a car crash that wasn’t their fault.