Why Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
Posted in: Car Accidents
To make a safe left turn, a driver must be aware of the vehicles traveling in the opposite direction as well as any pedestrians and bicycles that are crossing the street. In the event a driver is distracted, makes a misjudgment, or is simply not paying attention, a serious accident can happen.
If you were involved in a left turn accident because of another party’s negligence, reach out to the experienced left turn accident lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. Call 1-800-HURT-NOW today for a free consultation. We’ll go over what happened and what to expect.
While every car accident case is unique, the driver attempting a left- turn must yield to other vehicles, unless the left-turning vehicle has the right of way. Drivers must wait to make a left turn until there is no oncoming traffic, or the traffic is at a safe enough distance to allow for the left turn.
Since drivers who are turning left are required to yield to oncoming traffic and stop for pedestrians and bicycles, they are almost always at fault in a left turn accident.
Often, in a left turn accident, the driver may have:
There are also times when the driver who was not turning left at the time of the accident. An example would be if the non-turning driver sped through the intersection as another motorist was attempting a legal left-hand turn.
In any case, the driver who acted negligently or ignored traffic laws would be considered liable for the resulting damages and injuries.
When you are injured in a left-hand car crash because the other driver was negligent or reckless, you are entitled to pursue compensation for your various financial losses. A lawyer can help you document and recover all your physical, emotional, and economic damages. Through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, KNR will fight hard for you to recover your:
Most car accident cases settle. However, do not expect a quick and easy insurance process. Insurance companies work hard to reduce what they owe by denying their policy holder was in the wrong. While an insurance settlement might be ideal, you may also need to file a lawsuit and present evidence the other driver’s recklessness caused your left-hand accident and injuries.
In some situations, the driver making the left turn is not responsible. They may have been turning left at a signal while another driver ran a red light or sped through an intersection. A faulty turn signal or another defect with the vehicle the driver making the left turn was driving may place liability on the manufacturer.
Left turns are dangerous because they disrupt the flow of traffic, speed, oncoming traffic. Additionally, drivers often forget to use their turn signals. The good news is that there are a variety of ways you can make left turns safely and reduce your risk of an accident.
Any time you make a left turn, be sure to:
To keep yourself safe physically and legally, there are certain steps you should take after being involved in a left turn accident. These steps include:
Even if you know the driver making the left turn caused the accident and the injuries you faced, you should still consult without an experienced left turn accident lawyer. They can use various forms of evidence such as witness testimony, red light camera footage, surveillance video, and photos of the accident scene to evaluate the specific details of your case. Following a comprehensive evaluation, they’ll inform you who is liable for the accident.
If the accident was caused by the negligence of the driver making the left turn or another party, you may receive a phone call from their insurance company. They may offer you a settlement and hope that you quickly accept it so that they can get away with compensating you with as little as they can.
To ensure you receive fair compensation, allow an attorney to speak to the negligent party’s insurance company on your behalf. By seeking legal representation, you won’t have to accept a low-ball offer and can increase your chances of collecting compensation.
If you’ve sustained an injury because of a left turn accident, it is in your best interest to reach out to the experienced Ohio wrong turn accident lawyers of Kisling, Nestico & Redick at 1-800-HURT-NOW. We may be able to help you recover compensation for current and future medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Contact us today for a free, initial case consultation.
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