Rear-End Collision Lawyers in Ohio | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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Rear-end accidents are very common and often involve serious injuries. If you’re hurt, don’t be intimidated or accept less than fair and full value. Contact KNR today.

Ohio Rear-End Accident Lawyers

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of automobile accident. According to a National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) survey, around 30% of accidents involve rear-end collisions. Fortunately, most rear-end collisions do not involve fatalities or serious injury—but many of these accidents do create long-term health complications for their victims.

If you were rear-ended and injured because another drivee was negligent, reach out to the experienced lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. Call 1-800-HURT-NOW today for a free consultation. We’ll go over what happened, what to expect, and handle every aspect of filing your claim. There’s no fee unless you recover compensation.

Rear-End Collision Injuries

Even rear-end collisions that occur at low speeds—say 10 mph—may result in severe injuries to the accident victim’s spine, neck, skull, brain, or knees. One common injury is known as “whiplash.” When the body accelerates forward upon impact from the rear, the neck experiences hyperextension, which may cause the following symptoms to develop over time:

  • Stiff and painful neck
  • Shoulder and back pain
  • Headaches and blurry vision
  • Trouble moving
  • Sensations of tingling, burning, or dizziness

You will need to pay for medical care to treat these symptoms. Additionally, you may not be able to work or enjoy your usual quality of life because of your whiplash. A skilled Ohio personal injury lawyer can help you file your insurance claim to ensure that you are compensated for the whole range of damages you may face after an accident, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

If you’ve been in a rear-end collision, it’s essential that you visit a doctor—even if you feel fine. It may take time for your symptoms to develop, and it’s important that your medical visits and diagnosis be as well-documented as possible for your insurance claim to succeed.

Who’s At Fault for a Rear-End Accident?

In most cases, the person driving the car to the rear is responsible for the rear-end collision. Common causes for such rear-end collisions include:

  • Following too closely
  • Not paying attention
  • Driving too fast
  • Having worn-out brakes or tires

Generally, insurance companies will assume that the rear driver is responsible for the accident unless there is evidence that the front driver:

  • Reversed suddenly
  • Abruptly stopped to make a turn and failed to complete the turn
  • Did not have working brake lights
  • Was broken down and failed to pull over and engage the warning lights
  • Was impaired by alcohol

Sharing Responsibility for a Rear-End Crash

In Ohio, someone can only recover for an accident for which they were not primarily responsible. In other words, compensation—whether determined by insurance companies or a court ruling—is available only to people who were less than 50% responsible for the accident. Accordingly, a person’s compensation is reduced in proportion to his or her fault.

For example, if you rear-end a car that did not have working brake lights, but your skid marks show that you were also speeding at the time of the accident, an insurance adjuster might determine that you were 60% responsible for the accident. In this case, you would not be able to get compensation, but you (or your insurance company) would only be responsible for paying 40% of the other driver’s damages.

Compensation in a Rear-End Accident

When you are injured because another driver was negligent or reckless and rear-ended your vehicle, you are entitled to pursue compensation for your various financial losses. Your lawyer can help you document and recover all your physical, emotional, and economic damages.

Through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit, KNR will fight hard for you to recover your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium

Most car accident cases settle. However, do not expect a quick and easy process. Insurance companies work hard to reduce what they owe by denying their policyholder was in the wrong or suggesting you share responsibility for a rear-end collision. While an insurance settlement might be ideal, you may also need to file a lawsuit and present evidence the other driver’s recklessness caused the accident and your injuries.

Why Work with a Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring the right Ohio car accident lawyer to help with your insurance claim has several benefits, such as:

Increase the odds that your insurance claim will succeed

Your lawyer can organize the evidence needed to substantiate your claim and present it in a way that shows that you were not responsible for the accident.

Improve your chances when negotiating

Lawyers are trained in negotiation tactics that can help you get the biggest settlement the insurance company is willing to pay.

You can focus on healing

Sifting through piles of medical bills and arguing on the phone with claims adjusters is stressful and may increase the length of your recovery.

Pursue your claim in court (if necessary)

When negotiations break down with the insurance company, your personal injury lawyer may need to file suit in court to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact KNR for a free consultation

If you’ve been in a rear-end collision, the Ohio car accident lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick can help. Our personal injury attorneys know how the insurance claims process works and how to maximize your settlement amount. Our lawyers have obtained countless favorable verdicts and settlements on behalf of thousands of our satisfied clients. Contact us today at 1-800-HURT-NOW for your free consultation.