Child Safety & Protection Month - Injury Claims Involving Children | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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KNR Legal
Date posted
November 1, 2019

November is National Child Safety & Protection Month! It’s dedicated to recognizing the potential dangers that children may face on a daily and taking steps to protect against them.

In honor of National Child Safety & Protection Month, Kisling, Nestico, & Redick compiled this the most common injury claims involving children and what to do if your child suffers from an injury caused by another party’s negligence.

If your child has been injured, it is best to consult a highly skilled Ohio child injury lawyer. At KNR, we can perform a thorough investigation of your case and discuss your legal options.

Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW or contact us online to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.

Common Child Injury Claims in Ohio

Child injury claims can happen in any number of ways. Among the most common are:

Playground Injuries

While playgrounds can be fun for children, they can also be very dangerous if safety precautions are ignored. Believe it or not, the Children Safety Network (CSN) discovered that each year, about 220,000 children around the country visit emergency rooms for playground injuries.

Falls from equipment, equipment failures like breaking and tipping, and collisions among children are a few of the most typical causes of playground injuries. If a teacher or playground monitor was supposed to be watching your child but failed to do so or the playground manufacturer created a dangerous component, you may have a valid claim.

Car Accidents

Children are often being transported to and from school, activities, and social events. Unfortunately, car accidents that involve children are a common occurrence in the Buckeye State. As a parent, there are a number of things you can do to help reduce the risk of car accidents and protect your child in the event they become involved in one.

In addition to driving defensively, make sure children are in the right booster seat for their age and weight. If your child is young, they should be in a rear-facing seat until they turn two. Also, don’t allow your child to ride in the front seat until they are at least 13.

Swimming Pool Accidents

Just like playgrounds, swimming pools are exciting for kids, especially in the summer. However, swimming pools are quite risky with accidents and injuries among children all too common. Regardless of whether your child is at a private pool, community pool, or residential pool, they are susceptible to slip and falls, diving board injuries, broken bones, drowning, and infections.

If the property owner of a swimming pool does not uphold their responsibility to create a safe pool environment and your child sustains an injury, they may be liable for their negligence.

What to Do If Your Child Sustains an Injury

If your child gets hurt and you believe it was the result of someone’s negligent actions:

  • Take your child to the doctor to receive treatment.
  • Document the accident scene and your child’s injuries.
  • Report the injury to the appropriate authorities.
  • Contact a child injury lawyer.

Contact Kisling, Nestico, & Redick

There’s nothing worse than finding out that your child suffered from an injury that was caused by another party’s irresponsibility or recklessness. The good news is that Kisling, Nestico, & Redick can help you hold the liable party accountable and recover compensation for your child’s damages.

Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today or contact us online. We offer free, no-risk consultations and there are no up-front costs.