Cleveland Wrong-Way Crashes - Legal Rights - Contact Attorney | KNR
Kisling, Nestico & Redick, LLC Hurt in a Car? Call KNR.
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KNR Legal
Date posted
January 18, 2020

Few car accidents are as deadly or devastating as wrong-way collisions. These wrecks involve vehicles that exert tremendous force on each other. Even if they are traveling at relatively low speeds, cars in a wrong-way accident will often hit with enough force to inflict fatal injuries on the people involved.

Do not delay in contacting one of the best car accident lawyers in Cleveland if you were the victim of one of these accidents. Your injuries can be life-altering, and you may need months or years of costly medical attention. A serious car crash can be complex, and the insurance companies and other parties involved may not be very helpful. Be sure to speak with a skilled Ohio injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick to discuss your case for recovering compensation if you are hurt by a reckless or negligent driver. Call our office in Cleveland today at (216) 658-1330.

Common Causes of Wrong-Way Accidents

Collisions that involve two or more vehicles traveling in opposite directions are all too common in the Cleveland area. Ohio State Highway Patrol reports that there have been about 7 deadly wrong-way accidents in Cuyahoga County since 2011.

However, there are many more wrecks that have left victims with serious physical harm. These accidents often happen on small streets, but they consistently occur on highways and interstates where the damage can be immense.

Common causes of wrong-way accidents include:

  • Intoxicated drivers – Drunk drivers are involved in a majority of fatal wrong-way accidents in Cleveland. These drivers are often focused on keeping their cars straight, and they fail to notice that they turned onto a lane with traffic going in the opposite direction.
  • Senior drivers – Senior drivers sometimes have difficulty reading signs or seeing clearly ahead of them. Drivers with poor vision or slow reflexes don’t always notice that they are on a one-way street.
  • Teen drivers – Many accidents involve teen drivers who were either distracted or driving recklessly. An inexperienced driver can also fail to notice that they have entered traffic that is going the opposite direction.
  • Distracted drivers – Many people behind the wheel are distracted by their phones, radios, or passengers. These drivers cause serious wrong-way crashes when they fail to pay attention as they turn.

Wrong-Way Crashes Cause Terrible Injuries

Many people in wrong-way accidents need long term hospitalization and extensive medical care. Furthermore, victims often need medical operations and physical therapy for months or years to come.

While every victims’ situation is unique, some of the most common injuries in a wrong-way crash are:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – Wrong-way accidents often cause passengers in cars to strike their heads on their windshields, steering wheels, or the seats in front of them. In many cases victims are ejected from their cars.
  • Broken bones – The severity of your impact can cause your bones to break or be fractured. This can result in a long and painful recovery period.
  • Damaged joints – Wrong-way accidents generally result in head-on collisions that cause victims to strike their knees, ankles, or wrists. A torn ligament, or dislocated joint, can require numerous medical operations as well as be very painful.
  • Damaged organs – Your internal organs can be badly damaged by a hard hit or an impact that causes an object to penetrate your body. It can be difficult for many organ injuries to properly heal.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – A wrong-way collision can be very violent, and you may need professional attention to address PTSD. Failing to get proper help can make it difficult to get back into a car and move forward with your life.

How A Lawyer Can Help You

A serious car wreck will cause long lasting harm. It’s understandable for anyone to feel overwhelmed.

Contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately can a great help. Our legal team has years of experience investigating car accidents. We know that it’s important to determine exactly what happened. This involves working with first responders, police, and witnesses. You will have a better chance of recovering the damages you need if your lawyer is able to build a strong case from the beginning.

Your attorney can negotiate with the insurance companies involved to secure the damages you need. If we cannot get you a fair recovery, we are ready to use our years of trial experience to fight for you in court.

You may be entitled to the following after a wrong-way car accident:

  • Medical bills
  • Future doctors’ visits and therapy needs
  • Lost wages due to inability to return to work
  • Lost future earning capacity due to your injuries
  • Medical equipment needs
  • Property damage
  • Wrongful death if a loved one died

Contact Your Lawyer Today

At Kisling, Nestico & Redick, we have represented many car accident injury victims in Cleveland and throughout Ohio. We understand how important it is to act quickly to secure damages after a terrible car accident.

Given Ohio’s strict statute of limitations, we strongly encourage you to contact us soon. We understand how your life can be permanently altered after a wrong-way accident and what it will take to set things right.

Contact KNR and speak with an experienced car accident lawyer today. Call (216) 658-1330. for a free, no-risk consultation.