Dangers of Minors Using JUUL | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
August 9, 2019

Concern over children and teenagers smoking isn’t new. By the 1880s, adults were worried about minors smoking cigarettes. At that time, very young children could purchase single cigarettes with change and were developing a habit. The concern led states to start prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to individuals under a certain age. By the 1920s, all but two states had an age limit for cigarettes. By the 1960s, states had largely settled on an age limit (after a great deal of work by cigarette companies).

Now, cigarettes aren’t the center of concern. E-cigarettes like JUUL are. Although the sales of these products are still age restricted, JUULs are enticing to teenagers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 2017 and 2018, the use of e-cigarettes by high school students rose 78%, and by middle school students 48%.

Unfortunately, as more data and scientific research become available, it is clear that vaping is dangerous. If you or a loved one suffered harm because of using JUUL, reach out to the defective products lawyers at Kisling, Nestico & Redick at 1-800-HURT-NOW, or through the online form to schedule a free consultation of your case.

Minors are Quickly Becoming Addicted to Nicotine

Nicotine is highly addictive, and an e-cigarette offers an easy, fast, high dose of this substance. JUUL, in particular, offers users a higher level of nicotine with each inhale than other e-cigarettes. A JUUL pod, a one-time-use cartridge of nicotine liquid, has as much nicotine as a pack of 20 cigarettes.

Another aspect of JUUL products and other e-cigarettes that leads to addiction is the ease of use. JUUL is especially known for having a less harsh experience than traditional cigarettes because of the type of nicotine the company uses. Between reduced harshness and fun flavors, it is easier to inhale nicotine from a JUUL than a traditional cigarette.

The negative aspects of cigarettes, including the lingering taste and smell, are not present with a JUUL. Teenagers can easily use a JUUL in the school parking lot or bathroom and head into class without a teacher noticing the signs. Within days or weeks of using JUUL consistently, a minor may have developed a nicotine addiction.

Nicotine Impacts Brain Development

Nicotine dependence is not a problem simply because it’s an inconvenient addiction. It is a problem because it has negative health consequences. The brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. When minors use nicotine products routinely, they impact the development of their brains, including the parts of the brain that affect attention, learning, impulse control, and mood, according to the CDC.

There is also a risk that using nicotine as a minor increases the risk of addiction to other drugs in the future.

Nicotine Liquid Can Harm User’s Lungs

A common misconception among minors regarding nicotine liquid is that the user is breathing in and out water vapor. This is not true. Nicotine liquids contain a wide range of chemicals, many of which are not published because manufacturers are not required to provide that information.

According to the CDC, the nicotine liquids used in JUUL and other e-cigarettes can contain:

  • Flavoring compounds linked to respiratory irritation and illnesses
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens)
  • Heavy metals
  • Ultrafine particles that can be inhaled into the lungs

Many teen users of JUUL and other e-cigs think they are not harming their lungs. That is far from the truth. Researchers are still trying to identify all of the compounds used in nicotine liquids and the impact they can have on the respiratory system. In the long-term, users could be causing serious damage and increasing the risk of a respiratory condition.

Vaping Increases Risk of Stroke, Heart Conditions, Mental Health Conditions

The link between smoking cigarettes and an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, and heart attacks is well-established. Until recently, researchers were not sure if e-cigarette use came with the same risks. It is beginning to look like they do. Minors who develop a nicotine and e-cigarette addiction young are increasing their risk of mental health conditions, heart conditions, and stroke.

Study findings presented to the American Stroke Association during its annual meeting showed a significant connection between e-cigarette use and stroke, heart attack or angina, and heart disease.

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of Kansas in Wichita compared data from 66,800 people who regularly used e-cigarettes compared to data from 344,000 non-users. They found e-cigarette users had a 71% higher risk of stroke, 59% higher risk of heart attack or angina, and a 40% higher risk of heart disease compared to non-users. Although this study is preliminary and has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal yet, it is alarming.

It also has been supported by other studies with similar findings. An American College of Cardiology reported a 56% increase in the risk of a heart attack and a 30% increase in the risk of stroke for e-cigarette users compared to non-users. This study also found users were twice as likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Have You Been Harmed by JUUL?

If you or your minor child has grown addicted to nicotine because of JUUL, or have suffered a physical injury because of the device, contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick right away. We represent individuals harmed by JUUL and other dangerous e-cigarette products.

To schedule a free consultation, submit your information through our online form, or call 1-800-HURT-NOW.