Fiery fatal bus accident rouses concerns over bus safety | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Date posted
May 1, 2014

A bus accident between a FedEx truck and a tour bus has spurred safety concerns over bus safety across United States, including here in Summit, Ohio. Although the National Transportation Safety Board has supported fire safety rules, emergency exits and seatbelt usage, federal agencies are now looking for ways to minimize injuries and fatalities caused by mass transit accidents involving buses.

The fiery accident occurred when a truck sideswiped a car and collided with the bus carrying high school students. There was no evidence that the truck driver hit the brake before the crash. Many of the injured bus passengers escaped death by jumping through the windows before the vehicles exploded. One witness claimed that the truck was already on fire before the collision but there is no other evidence or witnesses to second that claim. The tragedy ended with many lives lost, including that of the two drivers, three adult chaperones and five students.

Although, the investigation about the incident is not yet finalized, the tragedy spurred concerns about existing NTSB recommendations on bus safety. Although some of the safety policies are in place, there are still challenges in enforcing those rules.

Bus drivers, owners and manufacturers can be held liable in a bus accident. Drivers, for instance, should exercise caution while navigating the road to keep the passengers and other people on the road safe. Bus owners should follow safety regulations, hire qualified drivers and regularly maintain their vehicles. Bus manufacturers should make buses that are in line with safety requirements.

The pain and suffering the bus crash victim faces are often accompanied by medical expenses, lost wages and even funeral costs. A legal professional can help the victim or the deceased victim’s family file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party and seek compensation.

Source: Sandusky Register, “Feds revisit safety rules after Calif. bus crash,” April 15, 2014