How to Manage a Work Injury Claim in Hamilton County | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
July 6, 2018

Hamilton County was named after U.S. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, and it is situated in the Cincinnati area. It was ranked by Forbes as on the best places to raise a family, and it is home to a variety of Fortune 500 companies including Kroger, Macy’s, and Procter & Gamble. If you’re a resident of Hamilton County, you likely enjoy a rewarding career at one of the big companies, or at smaller or mid-sized businesses in the area. Regardless of where you work, you can file a work injury claim if you are hurt while on the job.

If you sustain an injury while working, consult an experienced Hamilton County work injury lawyer at Kisling, Nestico & Redick. Call us at (513) 221-0499, or reach out through our online form to schedule a free case evaluation today.

When Can Work Injury Claims Be Filed?

Per the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC), you may receive compensation for an injury you sustained on the job. In Ohio, you do not have to prove your employer demonstrated negligence or was responsible for causing you harm. Additionally, you do not have to sue your employer to collect benefits.

To recover workers’ compensation benefits in Hamilton County, you must show that your injury arose while you were performing work-related tasks, or that it occurred because of a certain factor related to your job.

What to Do After Sustaining a Work Injury in Hamilton County

As soon as you get hurt at work, it’s important to report your injury to your employer. Next, visit a doctor and seek treatment for any medical issues you incurred as a result of the work-related accident. Lastly, contact a Hamilton County work injury lawyer at our firm.

Seeking legal representation is important, because proving the validity of a workers’ compensation claim may be a challenge. A lawyer can help you collect the medical documentation and other evidence you need to support your case, and they will ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to. Additionally, a lawyer can help you determine which type of workers’ compensation benefits you are eligible for, and how to file an appeal in the event your claim gets denied.

Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

There are several different types of workers’ compensation benefits available in Hamilton County, including:

  • Temporary Total Disability – You may qualify for temporary total disability if you are unable to work for a short period of time due to an injury incurred in the course of your employment.
  • Permanent Partial Disability – Permanent partial disability pays for any permanent limitations you may face as an injured worker.
  • Permanent Total Disability – If your work injury left you totally disabled, permanent total disability will provide you with compensation for a portion of lost wages for the rest of your life.
  • Change of Occupation – If you have to change your occupation due to your injury, change of occupation benefits may be possible in your case.
  • Wage Loss – Wage loss is for employees who lost wages or experienced a decrease in wages due to their on-the-job injury.
  • Living Maintenance – If you are in a rehab program because of your work injury, living maintenance benefits may be obtainable.
  • Scheduled Loss – Scheduled loss pays loss benefits when an on the job injury has led to amputation or the loss of a body part.
  • Settlement – A lump sum may be paid to an injured worker and used for financial relief and rehabilitation.
  • Death Benefits – Death benefits are for surviving family members who lost their loved one to a workplace injury.

Injured at Work? Contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick for Help Today

If you sustain an injury while on the job in Hamilton County, contact a highly-skilled Cincinnati injury lawyer at Kisling, Nestico & Redick today for help with your case. An attorney at our firm will help protect your rights, and they will fight hard to help you obtain the compensation you may be entitled to. For a free case consultation, contact us today at (513) 221-0499.