How to Obtain a Crash Report in Ohio | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Post-accident crash reports are formal accounts regarding the details of a car accident. Usually, they are prepared by responding police officers and contain important information regarding the accident in question.
Written by
KNR Legal
Date posted
December 9, 2022

After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, obtaining a copy of your crash report could provide valuable evidence to support your case against the liable party.

Here is more about how car crash reports work, the details they contain, and how you can get yours after an Ohio car accident.

Where Do You Get a Crash Report?

To obtain a copy of a post-accident crash report in Ohio, you can contact the Ohio Department of Public Safety (DPS). Car accident reports are formally known as OH-1 Traffic Crash Reports.

The responding officers who arrive at the scene of your accident will be responsible for documenting the details of the collision and putting them in your crash report. If emergency responders or police were not called to your car accident, you could initiate a crash report by filing a form BMV 3303 with the Ohio DPS.

Why Order a Crash Report?

Ohio law requires a car accident report to be filed if there has been an injury, death, or more than $1,000 in property or vehicle damages.

The information contained within a crash report can include how the accident occurred, the contact information and insurance details of the liable party, who is responsible for causing the accident, and other details that can help prove the defendant’s negligence in your case.

This will go a long way in helping your attorney show the court that the defendant is at fault for causing your car accident and resulting injuries.

Crash Reports & Insurance Settlements

Since Ohio requires drivers to carry auto insurance coverage, you may be hoping to avoid filing a crash report by settling outside of court with the insurance company. However, Ohio is a fault state for auto insurance and accidents. When another party is to blame for your injuries, you file a claim with their insurer.

This means the compensation you can be awarded will primarily be based on the types and amounts of coverage purchased by the defendant. For this reason, you should always be prepared with compelling evidence.

Having an accident report that details the facts of the accident can help you hold the insurance company and the liable parties accountable for their financial obligations. Furthermore, insurance companies may be less likely to process a claim if you have not filed a formal police or crash report after an accident.

How to Order an Ohio Crash Report

The best way to order a copy of your crash report is by visiting the Ohio Department of Public Safety website. You can navigate the crash reports tab to search for a copy of your specific traffic accident report. Be prepared to include the accident date, your license and registration number, and other personal information. You can also request a copy of the report from the local, county, or state police agency that responded to your crash.

How Much Does a Crash Report Cost?

There is no cost to order a copy of your traffic crash report. All you need to do is provide the Ohio DPS with the information they need to pull up your crash report so they can send you a copy.

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Crash Report?

Although there is no cost to request a copy of your crash report, this does not mean that you will be able to access a copy of your accident report immediately. It may take the Ohio DPS up to six weeks after the accident has occurred to upload the accident report into the system.

An Ohio Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you need help obtaining a copy of your crash report or are ready to get started on your car accident claim, reach out to an experienced Ohio car accident lawyer at Kisling, Nestico & Redick.

Fill out our online form or call 1-800-HURT-NOW to schedule your free consultation and learn more about what is next for your car accident claim.