How to Report Bullying in Columbus | KNR
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Date posted
September 15, 2019

If a bully in Columbus has victimized your child, you may wonder what you can do to stop it. You can teach your son or daughter how to handle bullying and encourage them to tell an adult if a bully has targeted them. If the harassment becomes severe or doesn’t stop, it may be time to report the bullying to the school administrators. Understanding how to report bullying in Columbus can help you protect your child from serious emotional and physical harm.

If you feel that the adults who are responsible for supervising your children failed to protect them from bullying, it may be time to take legal action. Contact the Columbus injury attorneys at Kisling, Nestico & Redick to learn about your options.

Call (614) 487-8669, or fill out the online contact form to schedule a free consultation of your case.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is any form of unwanted harassment, verbal abuse, or physical aggression directed toward a child by another child or a group of children. Bullying often occurs at school, but it may occur in the form of online communication.

It is important to take any form of bullying seriously, because even if a bully does not physically harm your child, the emotional impact can damage your son or daughter’s self-esteem and cause psychological problems later in life.

Gathering Information From Your Child

The first step when you are considering making a report about bullying to your child’s school is to find out as much information as you can about what is going on. Document the events that occurred by taking photos of any physical injuries. If the bullying occurred online or there is evidence on your child’s phone, take screenshots to submit along with the report.

When you are talking to your child, keep in mind that children may be afraid to report bullying because they are worried about retaliation. They may be worried about how they will be viewed by their peers. Reassure your child that bullying is not their fault, and let them know that they can always speak to you about problems at school.

Submitting a Report

When you have gathered as much information as you can about what is going on, write a detailed written report. Make sure you include where the bullying took place, and whether or not the bully targeted any other children. You will want to include the date on your report and documents that support the account of the events. After you have written a report, submit it to the principal at your child’s school.

Talking to Your Child’s Teachers, Principal, and Other Administrators

After you have submitted a report, speak to your child’s teachers and school administrators to find out what is being done. If you feel that nothing is being done after a couple of days, you can request a meeting with the school’s principal. If the principal does not take action, meet with the district superintendent. Make sure that you take notes during any meetings so that you can refer to them later.

Many schools in Columbus have anti-bullying policies that are designed to help children feel safe reporting what is happening to them. Ask about any policies that are in place to protect your child so that you can understand how the incident is being investigated, and what is steps the school is supposed to take to keep your child safe.

When to Call the Police

If your child has been physically harmed, contact the police right away. Police will investigate the incident and charge the person who hurt your child with a crime if the bully has violated state laws on battery, assault, harassment, stalking, or cyberstalking.

Speak to an Ohio Attorney for Help Today

When your child has been victimized by a bully, you may feel hurt seeing the pain in your child the bully has caused. After you have done the right thing by reporting it, you may feel frustrated if school employees are not doing enough. Speaking to an attorney can help you understand your rights and what you can do next.

Our attorneys at Kisling, Nestico & Redick understand how harmful bullying can be to children. We can help you document and report bullying incidents and communicate with school administrators. We can attend administrative meetings with you and, if necessary, file a lawsuit against the school district. Contact our office today by calling (614) 487-8669, or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation of your case.