Ohio Injury Statistics - Ohio Personal Injury Lawyers | KNR
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KNR Legal
Date posted
December 14, 2018

You’ve probably heard it your entire life – accidents happen. Unfortunately, we don’t really consider how often they happen and how serious the consequences can be. We often don’t even see the dangers we face, whether at work, behind the wheel, or in our homes. Thankfully, most injuries are minor, but many require extensive medical treatment and even sometimes resulting in disability. A simple accident can permanently change your life.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in an accident, the Ohio personal injury attorneys at Kisling, Nestico & Redick can help put things back together.

Call 1-800-HURT-NOW or contact us online to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.

Personal Injury Statistics: The Big Picture

According to the CDC, accidents have recently become the third most common cause of death in America. The National Safety Council reports there were 161,374 preventable deaths in 2016. This was an increase of over 10 percent from the year prior and a shocking 86 percent increase over the last 24 years. There were 44.5 million injuries that same year, to the cost of $967.9 billion. And unfortunately, injury accidents in Ohio are also the 3rd highest cause of death, and Ohio is ranked 4th in the country for the number of fatal accidents.

Motor Vehicle Accidents Numbers in Ohio

Drug overdoses have sadly caused poisoning to be the leading cause of accidental death in America. Unsurprisingly, motor vehicle accidents are a close second. The Ohio Department of Public Safety reports there were 303,298 motor vehicle accidents in 2017. A closer look at the report reveals some startling facts:

  • There were 1,094 fatal car accidents.
  • Car accidents caused 75,437 injuries.
  • There were 11,928 crashes where alcohol was a factor.
  • 297 deaths resulted from alcohol-related accidents.
  • 4,898 people were injured in alcohol-related accidents.
  • There were 30,006 accidents in December, the highest number of accidents for a single month for the year.

There was a slight increase in the number of fatal accidents in 2017, the highest number for the past five years. 2017 saw the second highest number of injuries for the same time period.

Despite public awareness campaigns and increased efforts by law enforcement, it is shocking to see so many alcohol-related accidents. It is equally troubling to see this upward trend both in the number of injuries and the number of fatalities.

Accidents at Work in Ohio

The Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation tracks all workplace injuries in Ohio. In its most recent study, the Bureau reports that there were 114,600 workplace injuries in 2016. Private industry accounted for 98,300 of those injuries, which isn’t too surprising. However, the breakdown of injuries by industry is quite interesting.

Here are the top five industries ranked by their respective number of injuries in Ohio:

  • Healthcare and social assistance
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation and warehouse
  • Construction

Most people think of construction sites when you discuss workplace injuries, so it’s surprising to see that construction injuries are not even in the top three. However, it was reported last year that Ohio has more fatal construction zone accidents than other larger states.

Of the more than 114,000 injuries in Ohio, over 37,000 resulted in time off from work. Digging deeper into the data reveals some other interesting statistics regarding those injuries:

  • 17.8 percent were back injuries.
  • 19.3 percent of those injuries were slip, trip, and fall accidents.
  • 11.7% involved a vehicle.
  • The transportation industry had the highest number of injuries that resulted in days off from work.

Contact an Ohio Personal Injury Attorney

You may have a long road ahead if you’ve been injured in an accident. In addition to medical treatment and bills, you may be unable to work. You may be facing short-term or even permanent disability. Your injuries may heal over time, but how do you get your life back to normal?

At Kisling, Nestico & Redick, we help people just like you recover the benefits they need. Our experienced personal injury attorneys and knowledge of the insurance industry allows us to give our clients outstanding legal representation.

Call 1-800-HURT-NOW or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation today.