Why Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
Posted in: Car Accidents
KNR Legal Blog
Trick or Treat is a Halloween tradition beloved by adults and children alike. While trick or treating in Ohio is an exciting family activity, it also has some dangers parents should be on the lookout for, both clear and not-so-obvious. For instance, did you know that, on average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year?
Make sure your child’s costume fits properly and doesn’t have long trailing fabric that could cause tripping. They should be able to move around comfortably and wear shoes suitable for walking around the neighborhood. If their costume has a prop such as a sword, make sure it is flexible (foam, for example) to reduce the risk of injury. If their outfit is dark-colored, add reflective accessories like tape or stickers to the costume or their candy bag so motorists can easily see them.
While masks can look spooky and add to your child’s costume, they can hinder your child’s vision and breathing. For this reason, it’s a good idea to use non-toxic face paint to create a mask instead. If the mask is a must, ensure the eyeholes are large enough not to obscure your child’s field of vision.
Kids shouldn’t go trick or treating on their own, even if they are a bit older. Try to organize a trick-or-treating group with multiple kids and adults and follow a predetermined route. Establish a designated meeting point, such as a landmark or street corner, for your group in case someone gets separated.
Choose a familiar area with plenty of lights and Halloween decor. Sticking to side streets also reduces the chances of a Halloween car accident involving your child. If walking in the street, walk on the left side facing traffic so you have a good view of any oncoming hazards. Just as importantly, keep an eye on the time and only trick or treat during your city’s designated hours.
Every neighborhood has a few houses that are not properly cared for. Look for broken sidewalks, uneven stairs, and poorly lit walkways. There are plenty of houses, after all, so there’s no harm in skipping one that looks unsafe.
Halloween is an exciting time for kids, and they may not always remember their safety education. They could dart into the street or forget to look both ways. Remind them to stay with the group and only cross at street corners or crosswalks. Drivers should turn on headlights early in the day to spot kids from further away.
In addition, not every house in your neighborhood will participate in trick or treat. Only approach houses that are lit during trick-or-treat hours.
You can never have enough light when it comes to trick or treating. Bring a flashlight or glowsticks with you as it can prevent your group from splitting up and reduce the risk of injuries. Make sure you can see everyone and everyone else can see you.
Child injuries from candy tampering are highly unlikely. But before your child dives into their treats, inspect their bag and toss anything that has been opened or anything homemade they didn’t receive from someone you trust.
By following these safety tips and only trick or treating during the specified hours in your area, you can ensure a fun and safe Halloween for the whole family. But if you or your child gets hurt during trick or treating or another Halloween event because someone was reckless, contact Kisling, Nestico & Redick. We can explain your legal options, help you determine whether another party’s negligence played a role in the injuries, and may be able to recover compensation on your behalf.
Call us at 1-800-HURT-NOW today for a free, no-risk case evaluation.