Statistics show potential dangers of mass transit | Kisling, Nestico & Redick
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Date posted
January 2, 2015

Public transportation is big help for many Americans, including those in Ohio. Whether it is a commercial bus that carries a large number of passengers, or a tour bus that transports a group of people to amusement parks or universities, mass transit is still associated with risks. Unfortunately, when mass transit accidents happen, passengers and other people becomes vulnerable to serious injuries and even death.

In fact, many safety advocates thinks that boarding commercial buses is not as safe as it used to be. Buses travelling on our nation’s roadways carry as many passengers as airline flights each year, and an accident is equivalent to a catastrophe. A leading safety advocate also thinks that the laws regulating and governing bus safety are not enough to reduce the risk of bus crashes every year. Different bus crashes throughout the U.S. have shown the risks.

According to one source, 20 percent of inspected buses and trucks are taken off the roadways due to faulty mechanics. However, only seven percent of bus and truck operators are ordered to stop driving due to record-keeping violations or hours violations. Nationwide, over 3.5 million mass transit vehicles are inspected annually. According to 2009 statistics, which are the most recent ones available, about 300 individuals lose their lives in bus accidents in each year. However, no distinction is made between private and public buses with regards to these accidents.

People will still board commercial buses and public transits no matter how many risks are associated with it. Keeping these vehicles safe from accidents to the greatest extent possible is the responsibility of bus companies, bus drivers and motorists.

Source: CNN, “Tour bus safety should get same treatment as aviation, advocate says“, Accessed Dec. 27, 2014